Artificial Intelligence or Nurturing Ignorance: The Battle for the Soul of Education May 20, 2024

 Artificial Intelligence or Nurturing Ignorance: The Battle for the Soul of Education

As we usher in a technological revolution where artificial intelligence claims dominion over education, we are faced with a pivotal choice: Will we allow AI to streamline learning at the expense of the...

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Generation AI: The Revolution Will Be Unplugged May 05, 2024

In the digital tapestry of the 21st century, a unique generation has emerged, woven with threads of paradoxical experiences: Generation AI. These are the children who took their first steps in a world where screens illuminated every corner of their lives. From the soothing lullabies of iPads to...

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The One Room Schoolhouse Renaissance May 01, 2024

In a world hyper-accelerated by technology, there's a curious phenomenon unfolding: a renaissance, not of machines, but of humanity itself. The catalyst? The very technology that promised to elevate our experiences.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's the...

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The Player Piano Paradox Apr 24, 2024

In a dimly lit room, a player piano takes center stage, its keys dancing with precision to churn out melodies of perfection. It embodies the pinnacle of musical mastery, an instrument guided by the algorithms of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Yet, as it plays, it faces a sea of...

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The Aloha Algorithm: Harmonizing AI and Humanity for a Flourishing Future Nov 10, 2023

In the heart of the Pacific, Hawaii emerges not just as an idyllic paradise but as a visionary leader, charting a course for a future where artificial intelligence (AI) and humanity weave a tapestry of harmonious coexistence. This vision, deeply rooted in the Hawaiian ethos of balance and...

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The P6 Lesson Design Stack Nov 10, 2023


As we navigate through an era intricately intertwined with artificial intelligence and technological marvels, the realm of education beckons a transformation rooted in human-centric principles. The P6 Lesson Design Stack emerges as a pioneering framework, embodying over 140 years of...

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The Timeless Elegance of the Paper Workbook in "Human by Design" Nov 10, 2023

Ah, the workbook. The humble, paper workbook that sits on your desk, waiting patiently for your thoughts and ideas to grace its pages. In the age of cutting-edge educational technology, it might seem odd to wax lyrical about such a traditional tool. But pause for a moment and think about it....

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The Future Economy: From Machines to Humanism Nov 10, 2023

As you walk into a McDonald's today, a decision confronts you immediately. On the right, there's the young, seemingly disinterested cashier whose attention seems elsewhere. A slight sense of doubt clouds your mind. Will they get the order right? Or will there be an unexpected surprise waiting for...

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The Existential Panel Part I: A Dialogue with Kant, Sartre and Sina in Four Parts Oct 13, 2023

A large auditorium, equipped with a stage that has four seats. The audience is buzzing with anticipation. Seated amongst the audience are other dignitaries and speakers of the day including Nietzsche, Plato, Confucius, DuBois, Locke, Marx, Machiavelli, Socrates and Paine. Descartes is...

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Friedrich Nietzsche - Eternal Recurrence and the Rebirth of God Oct 12, 2023

Ah, behold the serpentine trajectory of human history, writhing through epochs and emerging into this peculiar Age of Artificial Intelligence! How it captivates my gaze from the depths of the past. A question has erupted from the volcanic tumult of your mind: "Does the birth of AI signify the...

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Rene Descartes - De Existentia Artificialis: Meditations on the Boundary Between Creator and Creation Oct 10, 2023

Verily, I find myself flung into an era so foreign that even my most fervent imagination could not have conjured its likeness. In my day, we laid the foundations for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, but what you have built upon these rudiments is an edifice of unimaginable complexity....

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